Is Fluoride Really Safe for Kids?

June 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsdentistry @ 8:17 am
A closeup of a little girl with a toothbrush

As a parent, you want your child to have a healthy smile. Strong pearly whites are crucial to their overall health. Still, you might be worried about exposing them to fluoride. Various rumors say it harms childhood brain development. Given that fact, you might wonder if fluoride is safe for kids. Well, your pediatric dentist is here to settle the matter. To find out why fluoride is fine for your little one, just keep reading!

Some Context: What’s Fluoride?

If you don’t already know, fluoride is a natural mineral in many foods and water. Healthcare providers often use it to boost patients’ oral health.

In particular, fluoride is great at preventing cavities. Consuming it strengthens tooth enamel and promotes bone formation. As a result, the mineral is added to tap water, toothpaste, mouthwash, and other products. Doing so helps these items promote healthy teeth and gums.

Is Fluoride Safe for Kids?

Despite its perks, some parents worry fluoride could harm kids. The latest concern claims it may delay a child’s brain development. However, this view has no merit; fluoride has no such effect on children.

The latest science confirms fluoride’s safeness. In an October 2022 study from the Journal of Dental Research, scholars found that fluoridated water didn’t reduce kids’ behavioral development or executive functioning. They reached this conclusion after assessing 2,682 children throughout their adolescence.

Of course, this recent finding bolsters prior research. Countless studies over decades all arrive at the same truth – children have nothing to fear from fluoride in the proper amounts.

Oral Care Tips for Young Kids

There are ways you could help your child benefit from fluoride. To that end, consider using the following suggestions:

  • Help Your Child Brush – Once their first teeth emerge, gently brush your child’s teeth with a small toothbrush. Continue to do so until they turn 5 or 6 years old.
  • Adjust Toothpaste Amount – While they’re still a toddler, only put a tiny smear of toothpaste on your child’s teeth. You can use a pea-size amount once they’ve reached three years old.
  • Book Yearly Dental Visits – After your child gets their first tooth, have them attend yearly dental checkups. Eventually, these visits will include effective fluoride treatments.

As you can see, fluoride is safe for kids. So, ensure your child gets the most from it by using the tips above!

About the Author

Dr. Homer Sedighi is a pediatric dentist based in Chesterfield, MO, having earned his DMD from Washington University’s School of Dental Medicine. He’s made many TV appearances discussing dentistry topics like dental trauma and water fluoridation. Today, his specialties are preventive and restorative services, as well as special needs oral procedures. Dr. Sedighi currently practices at his self-titled clinic and is reachable on his website and by phone at (636)-777-7777.

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