3 Dental Toys That Can Get Children Excited About Dentistry

February 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsdentistry @ 1:41 am
Child happily brushing their teeth

As a parent, it can be a bit of a challenge getting your child to start brushing their teeth on their own, and even more so for them to do it correctly. It may seem like, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get them to be invested in their smiles. That can lead to incomplete hygiene at home, and anxiety at the dentist’s office.

By incorporating dentistry into their playtime, you can help your child to get excited about the prospect of taking care of their teeth! Here are a few examples of dental toys that can help you do that for them.


What are Lip Ties, and How do They Affect Breastfeeding?

February 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsdentistry @ 6:13 pm
portrait of a smiling baby

Feeding is one of the most important parts of early childhood development, and when it doesn’t go smoothly, that can be incredibly frustrating for parents. Fussy children and sore spots can derail the process of breastfeeding, which can make the already-stressful period of early childhood even more so.

If your baby is struggling with feeding, it could be that they have a lip tie. If you want to know more about this condition, here’s some information that could be helpful to you.
